Possibly controversial, but I am pushing back against a culture that treats people like they're machines- listen in!
If you've been working your tail off, feeling strung out or like you're spread too thin, I want to highlight a different way forward.
As ever, I am particularly speaking to...
Meltdowns happen, here's what I learned from a recent wall I hit!
Let's keep it real. There is no-one out there pushing themselves and growing who does so without ever feeling the strain, doubting themselves or questioning their vision. At some point, everyone has a...
Wanting success but feeling like an imposter is VERY common. This episode explores how to identify and overcome this mindset 'gremlin' holding you back...
This episode will encourage you if you've ever faced the feeling that you're somehow a fraud or imposter- even though...
Many of us feel bad when we need to turn down an opportunity, but this episode is all about how you can overcome that.
Have you ever found yourself saying 'yes' to something out of a feeling of guilt if you said no? You know what I mean...
... that committee that you have NO...
Which coaches do you listen to and why? What makes them trustworthy with your journey? This episode looks at the criteria you use to decide who you want to listen to and trust enough to invest in.
There are endless amounts of programmes and training available online- I've bought...