If it's your vision, it's YOUR vision. It doesn't require that everybody else is on board. If you are a pioneer with a passion and ideas, get after it!!
Every big change that has come in this world has come from those who haven't just accepted 'the way things are'. Instead...
Your tongue is a rudder: What you say reveals what you believe and who you believe you are is rather important for deciding your actions.
'Out of the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks' so the ancient wisdom says.
The Bible also warns that 'the power of life and death is in...
Your gifts aren't just about or for you but also so that others may benefit through you... Listen now for more
Us humans are relational creatures. Whether we like it or not, we need other people around us. Isolation harms us.
That's why it matters whether you get over...
Whatever you're doing, it's happening within the broader context of your life, community, culture... and those all affect you, so that's what we're going to take into account today- listen now
Today's episode comes with a shout out to my Mind to Win clients. many of whom are just...
Setting boundaries around your time and respecting when you're on/ off can be tricky, so that's what we're talking about today!
If you are self-employed or run your own business, have you ever had someone contact you and expect you to be free to do something social or to...