
Episode 024- To the Beach! Sep 14, 2021

Bolder faith


When life gets crazy, where do you go? What helps you stop and be in the moment? 



To see beach photos and more, find me at:

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Episode 023- My favourite question Aug 31, 2021

This question- as simple as it sounds- packs a punch!

We live in an unhealthy environment that has trained us that we have to be on the go all the time; if we're not on the go 24/7 then we're lazy. It's a lie from the pit of hell! 

If you want to learn how to have the unhustled rhythm of...

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Episode 022- Prioritise your priorities Aug 18, 2021

Don't sacrifice what matters most for what matters now

What matters most to you, when everything else is stripped away? Who and what are the priorities? Let's start with those and then craft a business/life on top of that. 

Let me help you learn to build a life that fits your values and...
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Episode 021- Replay, rehearse, repeat! Aug 04, 2021


When we replay events, we focus on details that we then commit to memory. Are you choosing to focus on things you want to repeat in future? That's the subject of today's episode...



'What we replay we rehearse to repeat' - Dr. Kathrine

What do you focus on? Are you looking...

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Episode 020- Swim upstream Jul 13, 2021


If it's your vision, it's YOUR vision. It doesn't require that everybody else is on board. If you are a pioneer with a passion and ideas, get after it!!



Every big change that has come in this world has come from those who haven't just accepted 'the way things are'. Instead...

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