#004- Braver Action
Brave action is not always about stepping up- sometimes the true courage comes in stepping back.
But whether you are being called to step up or step back, this is your introduction to what I'll be talking about when I talk about taking 'Braver Action'.
#003 Bolder Faith
I have the immense privilege of working with more people who don't share my faith than do. In this episode I want to be clear on the faith that I have, that may not conform to your image of 'Christian' ... something which, depending on your perspective, I might...
The current business environment and culture is on an insatiable quest for MORE. It is consumptive and ravenous and invites people to find their identity and worth in money, position and celebrity.
That's not what having a Bigger Vision means to me. In this episode I will begin to...
A lot of what is taught about 'success' and 'how to be successful' in the online world today is at best unhelpful, and at worst, downright toxic.
It doesn't acknowledge that we all have different lives, different responsibilities and that some face barriers to progress that others...
A lot of what is taught about 'success' and 'how to be successful' in the online world today is at best unhelpful, and at worst, downright toxic.
It doesn't acknowledge that we all have different lives, different responsibilities and that some face barriers to progress that others...