Nov 21, 2019Keynote Topics
Dr. Kathrine can speak to your organisation, company, or at your next event on the subjects below. Contact her today to discuss her topics or your needs. Contact her now for all of the details.
Watch Your Mouth! How Your Words Are Speaking Your Future Into Being
Words have power. Whether they are being used to help or hurt you, you hear your words more than anyone else in this world, and your mind is hearing the words that you use.
Harness the power of words to build the life you want so you can stop the words of defeat and self-sabotage from passing your lips and replace them with truth that builds you up and spurs you on to your highest goals.
Why Not You? Challenging Limiting Beliefs To Unleash Your Courage & Change Your Life
If you don't believe you can achieve your goals, you can set goals all day long and you won't do what needs done to achieve them. Who you believe you are is important, and who you believe you are NOT is pivotal to taking bold actions, stepping out in faith and doing the brave actions that bring the results you dream of.
This keynote will challenge what you think you know about your self and give you a new revelation of who you were put on this earth to be, in ALL your glory.
Relentless: Embracing Failure As The Gatekeeper To Success
There's one F word that many people fear, and it is FAILURE. Yet the higher our goals, the more we need to be able to embrace failure as part of the journey to success.
How can you be resilient when failure comes? How can you keep going and stay motivated when you've failed repeatedly? How on earth do you pick yourself up after a major set-back and start again? With warmth, compassion, and some surprising strategies, this keynote will get you ready to welcome Failure as the teacher and guide she is when you have to, and how to understand her differently so that you can encounter her no more than you need to!!
Purpose, Passion and Priorities: How Do I Know What My Purpose Is?
We all want to feel that our life has meaning and that there is some purpose to us being here. We want to know that it matters that we are on this earth. In short, it does matter, you matter. But what on earth are you here for?
Through insightful questions and dynamic interaction, you will gain clarity on your purpose and how to take the first steps towards the purposed, impactful life you crave.
Is there another topic you'd particularly like Dr. Kathrine to speak on for your company or association event? Just ask! Dr. Kathrine can design a custom presentation just for you!