Indie Publishing resources
Dec 09, 2022This is a really over-simplified guide to publishing generally, and to the resources I trusted to help me get Enough. out into the world.
NOTE: Everything here is based on my personal experience. That does not mean that anything I did is the correct choice for you. At all times it is up to YOU and you alone to make the decisions on your journey, and take sole responsibility for them. I make no guarantees, I am merely sharing my experience and opinions from what I have learned thus far.
Types of publishing
Initially I intended to go with a traditional publisher. Then I realised how much control I would be ceding, how little I would earn and how I'd still have to do all the marketing, so I began looking at other options.
These bill themselves as a half-way house between traditional and self-publishing/vanity press. They decide whether they want to accept you, and they share financial risk to a degree with you. You pay them for services and commit to buying a minimum number of books.
I thought this might be a way forward that gave me more control and more profit, but when I did the maths on the contracts I was offered by two big and very well known publishers, it simply didn't make sense to me.
Self-publishing/ vanity press
When people talk about self-publishing, this is often what they mean. It involves a publisher/press who don't filter for quality, but who will print if you can pay. You're under their publishing banner. This still didn't feel like the right fit for me and then I heard about...
Indie publishing
This is sometimes also referred to as self-publishing, but indie is a more accurate term. It is where you go fully independent and sort it all out yourself. You establish your own imprint and thus become your own publisher, under your own brand, ISBNs etc, and you commission the experts you need to complete the task. This is what I did with Enough. and it has been a fantastic experience. It's not for everyone and I have learned a lot that I can improve on for next time, but I am very grateful for the team I have around me and am immensely proud of this book.
Here are a few of the experts I worked with and why I recommend them:
Isabelle Knight, Publicity, Build Your Author Brand https://www.
It might seem strange to start with branding and publicity but it is CRUCIAL. If you're not a charity and want to have more than your family read the book, you need to have clarity on your author brand and how to get the word out about YOUR book.
The work I have done with Isabelle has been central to why this book is getting such rave reviews, and why I have the confidence to promote it as I am. Her author brand programme will not only make you a better writer, but make your book easier and a lot more fun to produce and promote. That's why she makes the top of my list
Erin Chamberlain, Editor & Project Manager, creator of Self-publishing Success System https://erinchamberlain.com/
Erin is an excellent editor, and for this project I knew I also wanted someone to guide me through all the elements of it because everything was new to me. In her new Self-publishing Success System, she offers you the outlines and worksheets so you can make sure you have everything covered. It's a killer deal. Erin is a joy to work with and I am SOOO grateful to have had her in my corner, especially for this first book so having these guides would be a huge asset as you embark on your indie publishing journey.
Other links
TB5 Publishing- whilst technically I haven't worked with Gavin on this book, he has been incredibly helpful with navigating Amazon and will be offering packages to support authors in independently publishing. Until those are released, do follow him at TB5 Publishing on socials.
ISBNs- https://www.nielsenisbnstore.com/
Ingram Spark - for paperback pre-orders and to distribute paperback worldwide
Amazon KDP - for ebook and for paperback after publication day
20 books to 50k - a free Facebook group for self-publishing (indie) authors with lots of useful advice for those actually wanting to make money as an author
Reedsy- A source for typesetters and cover designers etc.
99 designs- I am told that others rely on 99 Designs to find designers and other experts. I did not use them on this occasion but may in future if needed.
Some links on this page may be affiliate links which means that if you buy using them, I will get a commission at NO extra cost to you. I am only ever an affiliate for people and services I genuinely recommend.