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Episode 028- Running a business by faith

Nov 23, 2021

#028 Running a business by faith


When I say 'Bigger Vision', I don't just mean more money, more hustle, more pressure...
I'm talking about having a vision that goes beyond what you see around you. Learning to live by 'the unforced rhythms of grace', to be different because of your faith. A better plan for you, those around you and also the legacy that you will leave behind you.
These sorts of changes are so worthwhile but it is so much faster, easier and downright fun when you join my Bigger, Bolder, Braver Mastermind where you'll hone your skills and plans alongside other amazing business women! It's a tiny, select group who meet with me weekly for coaching and accountability. It's a solid gold experience!
Spaces are filling for 2022. To find out more book a call now