Live with Wild Faith:

Embrace God-pace for your life & work, in the land of 1000 châteaux


Dordogne, France
2-7 October, 2024

If you’re a female Christian leader or entrepreneur who wants to defy the world's unhealthy frenetic pace and live at a God-designed speed, then join us for this deeply restful retreat, where you will discover a God-designed life-and-business rhythm, come away with fresh revelation to return home refreshed, and be rejuvenated for the impact you've been created to have.

Imagine this: you take one week to step out of your daily routine, step into another culture and leave inspired.

Picture the scene...

A gentle meander through the refreshing shade of aged forest draws you closer to the site of an ancient civilisation like none you have seen before. As you drink in the greenery and pass by reminders of ancient farming and craftsmanship, you can practically feel your breathing quiet and your shoulders relax.

It’s so tranquil here it’s as if time moves at a slower pace, one that feels deeply refreshing. The only sounds are the whispers of the trees above you and the river alongside. You feel the peace and serenity of this place to your core and it is balm to your busy soul.

Out of the trees you catch flashes of the majestic Vézère river below as the path presents you with the extraordinary remains of a medieval castle and its kitchen garden.

You contemplate the lives lived here, high above the river, harmoniously using it for transport, fishing and water. You can almost hear the bustle of community life here, the vibrancy of life seems to emanate from the very rock around you. Thinking of what life was like back then, you continue on the path further back in time still…

Walking the street of a 17000 year old village cut into the rock, you find yourself awestruck, moving along the same street as so many have done down through history.

You find yourself captivated by each distinctly designated area of this village and marvel as the sun warms the yellow stone and your skin. God shows you parts of His creation He knows you'll particularly appreciate and you feel awed.

The ingenuity of this ancient civilisation brings a fresh perspective to your own life and the pace of life here invites you to consider what a life richly lived looks like for you at this moment in your history. You breathe deeper, and slow down, inspired by your unique experience…

BEYNAC is the perfect place to spend 6 restful days discovering the burnout-free rhythm you are going to live at from here on. While you're there you will...


* Experience guilt-free time off in our intentionally paced, restful environment... because I know how exhausting it is to feel like you constantly have to be 'productive'  but it was never God's desire that you should burn out.

* Develop a new appreciation for how priceless you are, so you can work from rest knowing that you are truly enough. No more striving or deep-down trying to feel worthy of God's love. You are His masterpiece. It's time to live from that truth.

* Have precious alone time to think your own thoughts, free from endless messages to respond to. Being 'on' at all hours is frustrating and draining. Revel in the blessing of solitude and time to simply 'be' with God.

* Tune in to God's plan for your schedule that uniquely fits with YOUR pace and personality. God knows everything you have on your plate and all the responsibilities and people He has given you to steward in this season. Let Him show you how to walk this out in the way that He has in mind for you.

* Explore a fresh revelation of who God dreamt you up to be, so you can powerfully navigate life in your own inimitable style! God doesn't make duplicates. The fullness of impact you were created to have will require all your uniqueness, because He knew what He was doing when He made you

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Even if you've never travelled abroad before, this is a superb opportunity in an incredible region, with so much taken care of that you can simply enjoy each day and drink in this sublime experience...

Ready to join us?

This is a unique opportunity for  a handful of entrepreneurs who're ready to live and work differently, not merely perpetuating the patterns of the world around them, but daring to trust God and live at His pace. Will you be one of them??

Booking your place is simple. We jump on a quick 'right fit' call, and once we're both happy that this is going to be a blessing all round, you can secure your place with your deposit:

Sign me up for France, Dr Kat!

Our Venue 


The Dordogne region of South West France is an area of extraordinary natural beauty, incredible history, and immense culinary richness.

We’ll be spending 6 days/ 5 nights just outside the legendary medieval village of Beynac, and overlooking the Château des Milandes, once owned by Jazz singer Josephine Baker.

We’ll be absorbed in the gentle pace and attitude to life here, the history, culture, and of course the incredible food, and you will fall in love with this sublime region that many tourists never get near.

Our venue is a lovingly restored farmhouse in true Périgourdine style. Rooms look out on trees blanketing the hills and a bright inspiration of blue from the magnificent Dordogne river as it wends its way between them.

As you look above the river, birds of prey dance through the sky and across the valley a château imperiously stands, regal and inviting you to come closer and explore…

In the peaceful countryside surroundings, you can hear chickens and ducks from the neighbours’ farm while you take a leisurely dip in the outdoor pool

... and if you can peel your relaxed gaze from the vista ahead, you can watch the bees dancing through the vegetable garden behind you. Why rush though? You have nowhere to be in a hurry, so perhaps just linger a few minutes longer with the sun on your back and peace in your heart...

The very air here invites you to wind down and savour each moment at a richer, more fully-lived pace…


Ready to experience this for yourself yet?



I’m already there, let me book my room!

The Cuisine

You’re about to experience why France’s culinary reputation is so iconic! French food is exquisite and the way the French treat food and linger over mealtimes is perfect to help you slow down and savour every morsel.

Of course the croissants and baguettes must be tasted to understand why they’re so famous the world over (and so poorly imitated!), and French patisserie are often seen delectably displaying cakes and buns that are feasts for the eyes as well as the taste buds. This is not the time to be calorie counting!


This region is renowned for walnuts, truffles, and duck so if you have a nut allergy or are vegan, this is probably not the retreat for you! However, if you love food and appreciate decadent ways of preparing it and presenting it with flair, then you really could not be in a better place.


You will taste the love poured into each meal, whether at our welcoming venue or when we venture out to one of my favourite local restaurants on our last night together. 

We will follow French culture and take leisurely meals where the ingredients are locally sourced and celebrate the best of regional produce.  


You will also have the opportunity to take a French cookery lesson where you will learn to prepare 3 courses in true French style, with seasonal ingredients and techniques from this pinnacle of culinary cultures. I have taken one of these lessons before and I can promise you that you’ll be impatient to get to the eating of each course- and it’ll be worth the wait!


As if the eating and cooking of such fabulous food is not enough, we will also visit my favourite local food market. No tourist market, this is where the locals go to shop. Here you can see, smell, taste and buy both those treats you want to eat immediately, and some delicious treats you’ll want to take home.

Your Itinerary

Doesn't this sound AMAZING?



Love what you do but wonder where God is in it? Shouldn't Christian business look and feel different? I’ve got you.


* Wouldn’t it be empowering to know you're running your business as God intends, rather than merely replicating the customs and patterns of the world?

Amazingly empowering! During this retreat, through experiencing awe-inspiring historical and cultural visits with God, you will discover your ideal alignment so that you leave with deep understanding of your most enriching - and possible -  life and business rhythm


* How wonderful would it feel to be able to enjoy your achievements as you go along instead of feeling like you always have to put it off?

Utterly wonderful! On this retreat, through exquisitely designed reflective practices you will revel in what you have already achieved and discover tools to savour your successes along the way.


* Can you imagine how awesome it will be to feel like you have tons of time and life is no longer whizzing by?

On this retreat, through deeply restful practice of solitude dovetailed with rich French culture, you will learn how to honour your time and relish what matters most so you can know you’re living your one precious life richly and in a way that is intentional towards your lasting legacy.


*How glorious will it feel to show up online authentically instead of feeling trapped and frustrated doing what others say you ‘should’?

With God leading your practices and directing your steps for His glory, you will gain a profound appreciation of what it means for you to show up authentically, so you can live and work in a way that is delightfully aligned with your faith and call, enriching your relationships and clients’ experience like never before.


*Can you imagine the joy of knowing you’ve made a difference, rather than worrying you’ve not helped enough people?

Through personalised exercises to honour your impact, you will gain a captivating perspective on your role in God's mission so you can have utter peace, free from the pressures of hustle culture to always be doing more.

As If All This Weren't Enough... There Are BONUSES Too


 * Before we leave, you'll enjoy a pre-trip group welcome call so you'll feel like you're meeting up with friends

* You will benefit from a pre-trip one-on-one 15 minute Laser coaching session 


* You'll have your very own Online Resource Guide, exclusively created for retreat participants.

It is packed with tips on language, culture, and much more to help you confidently travel, and to enhance your relaxation and enjoyment of this retreat

Did I mention there are only 4 places  available?

This is not your standard, large group retreat. This is for a small number ONLY and it is an incredible opportunity for us to work closely together.

I'm already packing- let me book my space!

La Joie De Vivre (the joy of living)


The French are renowned for an attitude to life that doesn’t revolve around work but that savours their worth, the value of time and the sheer joy of eating good food together.

The pace of life here is perfectly aligned with what you want to learn and you will experience it in the very ambience and atmosphere of this area.

There is nothing hypothetical about living at a gentler pace: this is where it is de rigeur. 

That’s why I have specifically chosen this as our location to rest, refresh and hit reset on the pace of life you are living, and to inspire you to choose a rhythm that your soul will relish and that will give you a joie de vivre that the French are so famous for!

I am so ready for this! Save my place!

What's Included:

  • Ongoing mentoring and coaching throughout the retreat with Dr Kathrine PLUS
  • One 60-minute, one-on-one mentoring session with Dr. Kathrine
  • Five nights' relaxed accommodation, where you’ll enjoy single occupancy in your spacious double room with private ensuite in our wonderful Chambres d’hôtes venue near Beynac, Dordogne, France
  • Five delicious freshly prepared organic breakfasts at our gorgeous restored farmhouse venue
  • Two nutritious and delicious packed lunches 
  • Four dinners of fine local & seasonal produce at our venue
  • One dinner from a curated menu at a fantastic local restaurant on our final night together
  • Welcome drink upon arrival
  • Entry fees to each daily attraction
  • Five group coaching sessions to set you up for each day’s personal explorations  
  • All handouts/ worksheets to support your thinking and record your epiphanies and commitments.
  • Four participants maximum, PERFECT for introverts- it’s also an unparalleled opportunity for us to work closely together without having to drain your energy in a big group
  •  Daily transport to venues
  •  Road tolls 
  •  Tourist taxes

What's NOT Included:

  •  Flights
  •  Transfers 
  •  Personal, medical, travel or other insurance
  •  Alcohol, other beverages, or meals and snacks beyond those specifically specified as included
  •  Car rental 
  • Other non-included items would include souvenir shopping, massage, hot air balloon ride, personal phone calls etc.

All this for only


or USD $5295

20% VAT Included

Save me a room! I'm coming!

UPGRADE: ADD 3 months of pre-retreat Coaching for a package total of only:


or USD $10,297

20% VAT Included

YES, I want to add 1-1 coaching before we go!
This is such a great retreat, take me there!

I'm Dr Kathrine McAleese 


I’m a former queen of burnout who now helps other female coaches, consultants and service business owners to enjoy success at a hustle-free, God-designed pace. I know personally what it’s like to bust your buns trying to do all-the-things that you’re taught you ‘should’ do to be successful, and I’ve experienced illness because of the pace of trying to constantly be productive as society and rampant capitalism are all too  keen for us to do. 

I’ve learned to live and work at a pace and with a rhythm that works for ME and works WITH the rest of my life, and I’ve been helping other entrepreneurs to achieve that restful success in their businesses for many years.

Retreat - Introvert Style

I’m also someone who needs lots of space and time away from the masses to think and relax, and for years I have looked at retreats with big groups and heavy scheduling - even shared rooms for goodness sake! - and I knew they would be great for extroverts but are not at all what I need. 

That’s why I have created a small group retreat which will invite you to press in unashamedly to your own need for space and solitude to do your thinking without constantly moving to the next thing or having to be ‘on’ with other people.

Being able to take you to a culture that moves at a different pacecoupled with my powerful coaching, is a dream because it allows you to experience yourself and life more broadly at a different rhythm and begin to catch a vision of what your life at a rhythm that is healthier for you can look and feel like...

Retreat FAQ:

You Don't Have To Stay Overwhelmed... That Was Never God's Intent For You.


Taking time to work on yourself can feel selfish. It isn't. It's strategic. You and I both know that you would not have read this far if you didn't need to change how you're working, for your health if not your well-being and relationships. 

It is TIME you took space to work out how to include yourself in the list of people you care for, so that you can keep doing what you're so good at, in a sustainable and enjoyable way, without driving yourself to ill-health. After all, Jesus exhorts you to 'love your neighbour as yourself'... which assumes you'll treat yourself lovingly!


What will it cost you if you don't start taking care of yourself as well as everyone else?


What would you pay if you could avoid continuing to run at such a stressful, frenetic pace? Because you can- even if you can't yet see how that would be possible yet.

I can say that with confidence because I have been doing this for driven, perfectionistic, fabulous talented, caring, and exhausted women like you for over a decade.

I can't do it for you, but you can do it with me. Better than that, let God loose to show you how it's done. 

This is your opportunity, but only you can decide whether you want to take it, or not.

I'm rooting for you.


To register for one of the four  places on this retreat, click one of the links to book a quick 'right fit' call. Once we're both happy that this is a good fit for you, a 33.3% instalment of £1281/ $1539 (Early Bird rate, incl. VAT) is payable immediately to reserve your place. £500/$600 of this first instalment is a non-refundable deposit. Your place on this retreat is not reserved until this initial payment has been received.

You may pay the balance in full before 11th September 2024 or in instalments which must be complete by 11th September 2024.

Cancellation Policy

A £500/ $600 non-refundable deposit is required at time of registration as part of the first instalment (totalling £1281 / $1539 early bird rate, including VAT).  Instalments paid (minus £500/$600 non-refundable deposit) are refundable until 31st May 2024.  Any cancellation made between 1st June 2024 and 10th August 2024 (GMT/BST) will result in a loss of 50% of the trip price. Any cancellation made between 11th August 2024 (GMT/BST) and the trip departure will result in a total loss of funds. We reserve the right to cancel the trip if it is not meeting the trip minimum (if we do all payments, including your deposit will be refunded in full). Trip cancellation insurance is always strongly recommended whenever making travel plans.

Contact Me

If you have questions, you can use the link below to send me a message, or if you'd prefer to jump on a Zoom to get your question answered, you can request that and we'll be happy to help you work out whether this is a great fit for you, or not!

Get Your Questions Answered